A Likely Inadequate Apology (but aren’t they all) + the Share the Love Blog Tag ❤️

Before we continue, yes I am aware that today is the first day of March. Yes I am aware that I completely SKIPPED OUT on my February fairytale blogging! Oops!

I’m sorry! I thought I’d have plenty of time to put up blog posts, what with winter break AND being stuck within the apartment complex thanks to the corona (which, China still needs prayers for– and so do Korea and Japan!). But I was wrong. My reading list needed some attention; I had to do some ARC and beta-reading; and I spent so much time agonizing over an English assignment that I couldn’t stand the sight of a screen long enough to post something worth reading.

This February has been weird. My heartfelt thanks to everyone who has been praying for us ❤️

Anyway, for today’s post. The lovely Ash Ronnel at Starlight Strands tagged me for the Share the Love Tag– the idea of which is awesome and I LOVE it. Thank you so much for mentioning/tagging me in your post, Ash! Now without further ado, let us begin!

The Rules

1: Link back to the creator of this tag. (Done!)

2: Include the tag banner in your post! (see pink button above)

3: Answer the questions by recognizing as many bloggers as you can for each. Don’t recognize the same blogger twice, the goal is to spread as much love as you can! (Looks like it’s gonna be a fun challenge…)

4: Make sure to provide the link to every blog you mention. (Just wanna say, Ash is incredible for including SO MANY LINKS in her original blog post. You rule, Ash)

5: Tag all the bloggers you mentioned in your answers. (On it xD)


#1: the first bloggers you found

Let’s go on a trip down the memory lane!

Kell @ Kellyn Roth: Back then Kellyn’s blog was still known as Reveries. Kell is actually the first member of this awesome online community I got in touch with! (I knew her from the NaNoWriMo YWP forums) Not only is she an absolutely incredible human being, but she writes really awesome books. And her posts are always fun 🙂

Jane @ Jane Maree: Jane was literally the one after Kell xD She is such a kind and friendly fellow writer! And she lives in Australia, so #internationalwritersunite

Mya @ Life from Behind a Camera: That was when Mya’s novel Hide and Seek first got published! As y’all probably know, Mya and I are great friends and part of the Tales of the Lonely Sun blog team 🙂 Mya, you used to scare me.

Bea @ The Treasure Within: Bea doesn’t post often anymore, but I still love her blog (which is beautiful, by the way). She’s also very helpful and kind and again, #internationalwritersunite!

#2: bloggers who have perfect timing with their posts


Jenna @ Jenna Terese: Jenna is a lovely and super-encouraging friend with AWESOME posts about authoring that come out on a regular basis! I don’t know how she keeps a consistent schedule, but she does very well.

Hannah @ Elizabeth’s Corner: “Perfect timing” as in “when was the last time you posted are you alive when are you gonna post again AH THERE IT IS.” Right? Hannah is an amazing folksie who BY THE WAY is releasing her debut novel this year! (Or next year! I forget; there isn’t a set date yet. *looks at you*)

Carlye @ Carlye’s Camera: *takes deep breath* #internationalwritersunite Also same with the Hannah thing above. (Carlye is dangerously good at making you pile up on your TBR. DON’T LISTEN TO HER.)

#3: bloggers with beautiful blog design

Ha, that’s an easy one!

Ash @ Starlight Strands has a GORGEOUS blog design, but I probably shouldn’t tag the person who made this blog tag and then tagged me for it. That’s probably not a good idea.

Molly @ A Sparkle of Light: You take a look at that header and tell me it isn’t the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. Okay but seriously, I was SO. IN. LOVE. the first time I saw Molly’s blog design. I haven’t actually looked at it in a while…

Charis @ Charis Rae: Yes I KNOW you tagged her too, Ash, but I can’t help but double that sentiment because Charis’s blog design is to die for. And she writes lovely posts and is in general a lovely person 🙂

#4: bloggers who inspire and encourage you

Jo @ Livsnjotare: Formerly known as Pananaw. JO IS AN INCREDIBLE FOLKSIE, Y’ALL. Go and read her blog because dat gurl can WRITE. And because I haven’t said this enough times already in this post, #internationalwritersunite!!

Enni @ The Blanket Burrito: Enni’s an awesome folksie. I recently took part in her The Wholesome Burrito Challenge and it was heaps of fun as well as inspiring!

Garrett @ Sovereign Swag: Garrett has some really deep, thought-provoking, encouraging posts! He posts about all the things you sometimes think about but never write about, and that’s inspiring AND encouraging!

Angela @ Angela R. Watts: Ang is a fantabulous writer and inspiration and literal torturer of poor puppy-loving cinnamon rolls scary author. Her blog and [absolutely incredible] books are like all about shining a light through fiction, which is basically what my writing is all about, so GOALS PEOPLE.

Brooke @ Brooke Riley: What can I say? Brooke is one of the most inspiring people in this blogging community that I know! AND her debut novel is releasing SO SOON and I’m SO excited for her!

#5: bloggers who make you laugh

Penny @ Jane Austen’s Lightsaber: Aka, the first blog I ever followed and the one that never fails to crack me up. There you go, awesome folksie/bean/whatever you call it.

Abigail @ Books, Life, and Christ: So I have this feeling that Abigail doesn’t intend to make me laugh when she posts, but she does every time we interact at all, so… xD You’re amazing, Abigail! (And so are your WIPs!)

Tracey @ Tracey Dyck: Tracey knows how to roast a cliche. Other than that, she loves fairytales and I love fairytales and #internationalwritersunite and fantasy love and all that jazz. She used to be one of those “big bloggers” to me, like totally unapproachable, but then it turns out she’s a lovely friendly person and not unapproachable at all! Haha.

#6: bloggers whose posts you can relate to all the time

Nicole @ Legend of a Writer: I keep saying you guys are all awesome but that’s because you are and I’m just not super creative today. Nicole is so cool and fun and infinitely relatable all the time; it’s not even funny.

Christine @ Fairy Dust on My Pen: Okay but seriously, I love Christine’s rambling posts THE MOST. She’s so kind and genuine and bubbly lIKE A DISNEY PRINCESS. I mostly relate to her love for books and fairytales. Haha.

Lila @ The Red Hooded Writer: Lila is so much fun and relatable and FAIRYTALES, yes yes yes. Also I love her writing updates and reading about her WIPs. I love them. (She’s also one of our amazing guest judges for TotLS’s Winter Writing Contest!)

Isabel @ Chasing Fantasia: I love Isabel’s posts, especially the thought-provoking ones! I adore the aesthetic of her blog and she’s a wonderful person, too.

#7: bloggers who post really helpful and/or beautiful content

Lilian @ Green Tea with Books: Lilian is the queen of speed-reading (also that was some pretty awesome assonance I slid in there) and her graphic design skills are brilliant. In case you haven’t noticed, she designed my blog’s header and logo and button and it is beautiful because of her!

Liv @ Liv K Fisher: I love Liv’s blog– it has such a pretty atmospheric feel to it, and her content is wonderful! She used to host writer linkups every two months that were really fun to do (I’ve done them on my blog but am too lazy to link them here).

#8: bloggers who are really consistent and involved in the community

*keels over*

All of the bloggers I’ve mentioned thus far are at varying levels of consistent and involved in the community. 🙂 Howzat?

I tag…

Everyone who was mentioned in the post, YOU’RE UP NEXT. (Unless you don’t want to. Then that’s perfectly fine.) If you weren’t mentioned in this post, you’re also up next, because feel free to steal this tag because it’s amazing and definitely what this blogosphere needs! *claps hands* And here are the questions for those who got tagged.

1: The first bloggers you found…
2: Bloggers who have perfect timing with their posts…
3: Bloggers with beautiful blog design…
4: Bloggers who inspire and encourage you…
5: Bloggers who make you laugh…
6: Bloggers whose posts you can relate to all the time…
7: Bloggers who post really helpful and/or beautiful content…
8: Bloggers who are really consistent and involved in the community…

Whew, THAT WAS A LONG ONE. But really fun. Thanks again for the tag, Ash!

Until next time,

~ Merie

25 thoughts on “A Likely Inadequate Apology (but aren’t they all) + the Share the Love Blog Tag ❤️

  1. Aw, thank you so much! *hugs* I’m so glad I met you through blogging, because your posts and Instagram stories and whatever else you put out there are always so awesome. *words failing me again*

    And I hope your March is a little less weird and crazy. I’ll keep praying. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You definitely don’t have to apologize for taking a break, Merie!! I’m so glad to see your posts in my feed again, but your health is so much more important than blogging and it’s perfectly fine to take a break. 😉

    And awwwwwwww 😭😭 I’m so honored that you did this tag and mentioned me!! Your words mean so, so, so much, I’m grinning so widely right now. I’m so glad you like my design! 😀 And I’ll have to check out the other blogs you mentioned, they sound amazing.

    Sending love to China, Korea and Japan, and you! ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  3. brb i’m CRYING
    also i need to follow these people because the more the merrier
    #internationalwritersunite YES
    i’m listening to my release radar on spotify, and i think the happy feelings have only multiplied thanks to you
    so thank you
    and i need to go steal these tags

    Liked by 2 people

  4. This was great!! I need to go check out those awesome sounding blogs…

    Also, random question. It’s about fairytales, so I hope you don’t mind. Are there any old, classic Russian fairytales that you’d recommend? I may or may not need them for book research. 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Please do! They’re lovely 😍

      I don’t actually know that much about Russian fairytales, but I know one epic variation of Snow White (not sure if I’ve recommended to you before… probably have)? Though if you find any good ones, please recommend to me 😎

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Vasilisa the Beautiful is a really good one! It’s a bit like Cinderella, except it has skulls and Baba Yaga, so it’s ten times better 😉 I’ve also heard of The Death of Koschei the Deathless–it’s been a while since I read it, but I think it was about a brother trying to save his sister from this enchanter who kidnapped her. I don’t know that much about Russian folklore either, unfortunately, but hopefully that was helpful?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh, I’ve read that one, but it’s a little too creepy for my tastes lol. And now that I think of it, I’ve read about a few others whose names I can’t recall!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Awwww! This is the SWEETEST tag! And YOU are the sweetest for talking about all these people. So many precious bloggers! I am so beyond honored to be on the list! *feels all the warm fuzzies* And oh my goodness, I’m so glad you enjoy my rambles. Because, man, CAN I ramble. XDD Girl, you are making my day right and left here. Thank you so much for this! ❤

    I will certainly be praying for you with corona going around. *ALL THE HUGS*

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you so much for the tag, Merie – that’s so sweet of you! I will definitely do it when I’m back from hiatus along with all the other tags I’ve been procrastinating on…*cough*

    Liked by 1 person

  7. (Sorry that I’m so late commenting but….) I do have to be honest, I do not mean to make people laugh most of the time when I post, but I’m glad that I can bring some laughter into your life! 😉 Thank you for nominating me for this amazing tag!!! I love you, girl! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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